On Purpose

“I have long been motivated to help people and organisations tell their stories. My On Purpose year has reinforced this drive, while opening new doors and broadening my knowledge of alternative business models.”

Anna Patton

Anna’s professional experience spans business development, public sector communications, international development and journalism. Before joining OnPurpose, she spent three years in Brussels mainly pitching for and managing EU-funded projects, and a year in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania leading the communications of the Belgian government’s aid programme. Turning freelance, she then worked among others on communication strategies and website relaunches for the European Commission, and the evaluation of a small youth-focused charity. In 2014 Anna became the (first) UK correspondent at Devex, a global news service for the aid sector. As well as a long-running focus on international development, Anna has been involved in or initiated numerous youth media projects, including video/photography workshops in Uganda and Kenya. She has degrees in Modern Languages and European Studies.

On Purpose Placements

Anna’s input has been instrumental in launching and refining our new global employer brand

Nick Pullan, Global Resourcing Manager - Business Development, VSO