On Purpose

Catriona McMahon

Catriona is an accredited Executive Coach (Ashridge Business School - EMCC Senior Practitioner equivalent), who has a passion for health, Healthcare and the Life Sciences. Catriona is an experienced healthcare professional and businesswoman, having worked in the NHS as an Anaesthetist, at the national board level for a FTSE 100 Global Pharmaceutical company and, currently, as a Non-Executive Director/Senior Independent Director in a major NHS Acute Foundation Trust. She also works as a consultant to the pharmaceutical industry, working in the area of Health Technology Assessment and reimbursement policy. Catriona has been through two major career transitions, which she found painful, exciting, and eye-opening; they taught her about the challenge of moving into change and about the angst and joy of rediscovering herself. Both transitions were initiated by health-related crises; physical health the first time, mental health the second. She believes that her life and career transitions have placed her in a unique position to work with people who are facing change as her transitions were informed by, and resulted in, changes to her life, her health and her career.