On Purpose

“It was a pleasure to be around Catherine, she was organised, thoughtful and made our work fun.”

Dr Yvonne Pinto, Director of Aline Initiative , Firetail


Firetail brings the rigour and approach of commercial strategy consulting to non-profit and social responsibility issues. We bring a multi-disciplinary approach to consulting engagements and seek strong, long-term relationships with our clients. The On Purpose Associate will be allocated to consulting projects. Recent projects include: Development of a corporate strategy for a leading cancer charity. The project included focus groups with supporters, interviews with and facilitating the organisation’s senior management and trustees. Evaluation of a global charity’s partnership with the UN World Food Programme. This involved focus interviews with staff across the charity and review of data and documentation relating to the partnership. Fundraising strategy for a Russell Group university. The project involved analysis of global philanthropic activity in higher education and a review of the university’s fundraising operations.