On Purpose

Jason Rabinowitz

Jason Rabinowitz runs his own management consultancy, Wellspring Leadership, which focuses on executive coaching, organizational consulting and executive education. He is an associate with Change Logic (the consulting outfit of Professors Mike Tushman at HBS and Charles O’Reilly at Stanford) and at Oxford Said Business School. Until 2015, he was head of Pine Street EMEA at Goldman Sachs, the fiirm’s senior executive development function, focusing on leadership development, coaching and advisory services for managing directors and Partners. Before Goldman, Jason had his first go at independence and was also at BP, where he developed the company’s first universal leadership framework for new CEO Tony Hayward, and before that spent 9 years at McKinsey, where he was an organisation specialist. He has a first class honours degree in Spanish and Business Studies from the University of Sheffield, an MA from London, an MBA from London Business School and in 2016 will complete his Masters in Executive Coaching at Ashridge, where he is an accredited coach. In 2010 he was certified as an accredited Immunity to Change coach, having studied with Professor Robert Kegan at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Jason lives in St Albans with his wife and two teenage children, one of whom has now left the nest to study. He is a keen exerciser, having completed 20 triathlons and one quadrathlon over the last 10 years. Stemming from previous residence in north east London, he is an avid Arsenal fan, and is therefore in a semi depressive state most weekends.