On Purpose

“After an enjoyable 18 years (!) of working life, I decided the time was ripe to focus on something that had a distinctly positive impact.”

Kathryn Ripley

Kathryn recently completed a Masters degree in International Development from the LSE. Prior to her graduate studies, she worked in the legal publishing industry for LexisNexis and then Thomson Reuters, initially in various project and portfolio management roles and subsequently in a commercial management role. During her Masters, she conducted primary research in Uganda as part of a consultancy project for Barefoot Power. Kathryn is currently setting up CrowdGuru, a social enterprise that connects skilled prefessionals with people in not-for-profits who need help on a specific task.

On Purpose Placements

Kathryn was able to turn our high level plans into something with much greater clarity and ownership in a remarkably short timeframe.

Ian Hanham, Director Corporate Resources, Every Child