On Purpose

Think Forward UK

With 15 per cent of young people failing to make a successful move from education into employment, ThinkForward is a breakthrough programme which intervenes early to significantly improve the chances of those most at risk of dropping out. ThinkForward provides long term personalised coaching to young people most at risk of future unemployment to support them to progress to sustained work. Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) have the potential to allow delivery organisations to change the lives of some of the country?s most vulnerable people, doing so though a commercial approach where income is derived solely for achieving positive outcomes with upfront working capital provided by a social investor. SIBs are a relatively new form of funding - currently fewer than 50 have been completed in the UK - but which provide an exciting opportunity for charities and other organisations to obtain funding through demonstrating the effectiveness of their work. ThinkForward?s On Purpose Associate will either be supporting us to develop a toolkit to make it easier for organisations in our sector to secure SIB funding or progressing applications for a central government-funded SIB contract.