On Purpose
My case for doing business more sustainably
My case for doing business more sustainably

Alex Watson, On Purpose Fellow, writes about the potential of companies, that put purpose before profit, to create social or environmental benefits and at the same time generate enough revenue to be financially sustainable.“We have four...

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Jo Alexander_blog
Experiencing a Culture Shock

Jo Alexander, On Purpose Associate in the London April 2017 cohort, writes about the change in workplace culture she experienced when moving from a large multinational to a small charity. I used to work for a global oil and gas company, which was...

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HCT Group making outstanding things happen
HCT Group making outstanding things happen

Sajni Shah, London April 2017 Associate, writes about how her current placement HCT group helps children with special education needs to get to and back from school.“Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at...

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Changing the world, one hand wash at a time

Camilla Marcus-Dew, London April 2015 Fellow, works for CLARITY-The Soap Co., a social enterprise that creates employment for blind and disabled people, and writes about their newest range CLARITYeco.For any social enterprises, it’s important to...

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Powerless in London. Or not.

I lived in a number of cosmopolitan mega-cities in life, in Asia and Europe. London is the latest one I had to accommodate myself with and adapt to. I was very excited at the prospect of settling in one of the world’s most vibrant capitals. A...

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What a difference a year makes

Mary Stevens, On Purpose London April 2017 Associate and currently in her placement with Collaborate , writes about how she made her way to the On Purpose Associate Programme and about a year full of change, exploration and reflection. Shhh… I...

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Investing for good: moving into the mainstream?
Investing for good: moving into the mainstream?

Katie Fish, London October 2016 Associate, and Francesca Spoerry, London April 2017 Associate, write about the upcoming Impact Investing Summit on 15th June 2017 organized by The Economist.Our current placementsHow did we go from working in a law...

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