It is the people that make On Purpose. We are a vibrant community and everyone has stories, thoughts and ideas to share. We've captured just some of them here.
A walk in Nature When I think of Nature, I imagine myself alone in a forest. Sitting on a fallen log, listening to blackbirds respond to thrushes. Bees and flies add a low buzzing hum. The smell takes on a damp mossy quality, cut through with the...
Earth Overshoot Day is the day that the Earth exceeds its consumption of the resources that it can regenerate - ‘A country’s overshoot day is the date on which Earth Overshoot Day would fall if all of humanity consumed like the people in this...
COP26 — the largest protest I’ve ever seen. Beautiful (my photography does not do it justice). “These are some of the injustices of the climate crisis — those who didn’t cause the climate crisis, those who aren’t responsible for the rising global...
What are you doing for COP26 and how is your organisation involved? C40 is a network of 100 mayors from the biggest cities across the world, implementing ambitious climate policies. Our mayors went to COP to demonstrate that it is possible to...
What are you doing for COP26? I’m at COP supporting a range of projects. I’m working with - one of the most exciting is Boardroom2030 : a fascinating campaign inviting businesses around the world to host a Board meeting as if it’s 2030. These...
In 2019 On Purpose declared a climate emergency . As part of that declaration we committed to measure, reduce and, as a last resort, offset our environmental footprint. Over the past two years we have been learning how best to do this. This...
I was 21 when I moved to London, and found a job as the head waitress in a tacky French restaurant in Covent Garden. One of my clearest memories is my manager hurriedly (and drunkenly, as standard) approaching me one afternoon to warn me that...
A Moment of Change is a podcast created by the On Purpose London community. In Series 2 of ‘A Moment of Change’ we are talking to key change makers from the worlds of food, fashion and the green economy who are all working to be part of the...
A Moment of Change is a podcast created by the On Purpose London community. To mark this, series 2 of ‘A Moment of Change’ is talking to key changemakers from the worlds of food, fashion and the green economy who are all working to be part of the...
A Moment of Change is a podcast created by the On Purpose London community. To mark this, series 2 of 'A Moment of Change' is talking to key changemakers from the worlds of food, fashion and the green economy who are all working to be part of the...
To bus or not to bus? That is… a question.. I ask it because, recently, I took myself on a bus trip from Dublin to Bari to London, taking up a grand total of 94 hours of my apparently not so precious time. One might expect that this was cheaper...
Creating change in the world is a tough job. Fighting the good fight can be disheartening; you’re often one despairing news story away from throwing your arms up and letting the world slip towards the inexorable, irreversible effects of climate...