On Purpose

A Moment of Change - podcast Episode Four

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A Moment of Change is a podcast created by the On Purpose London October 2019 cohort. Over five episodes, we speak with leaders within the social and environmental impact sectors to find out how 2020 has impacted them both professionally and personally.

So far, we've delved into the work of mutual aid group leaders, listened to community organisers helping our neighbours without documents, and explored changing consumer habits with three sustainability gurus. Check out Episode Four below.

Listen and subscribe to the podcast on Spotify, iTunes, Acast, Google Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Episode 4 - Social Determinants of Health: Health inequality in the time of COVID-19

Since the Marmot review in 2010, it has been widely accepted that variance in social factors (education, housing, employment and discrimination) lead to variance in health outcomes. A recent review has shown that improvements in life expectancy have been flatlining in the UK during a period of austerity - for the first time since 1900. In this episode, we discuss with the leader of a community health organisation his journey in supporting the Caribbean and African community in Manchester and how his work has been impacted by COVID-19.

Guest speaker: Rev Charles Kwaku-Odoi

Alongside his role as Chief Officer for CAHN, Charles co-leads Command Prayer Centre Ministries International and co-chairs Faith Network for Manchester. He specialises in engaging with the Black community in the Diaspora, and also works closely with Terrence Higgins Trust in their delivery of HIV Prevention England.

"What gives me hope is that up and down the country there are healthcare organisations that are beginning to make reasonable adjustments, that are beginning to consult their workforce a bit more…and that there are targeted investments that we are seeing to address some of the disproportionate impacts from COVID."


Do you want to learn about trends emerging within different industries in 2020? Hear about the biggest catalysts for positive change? Be inspired by changemakers in the impact sector? Then please join us!

Listen and subscribe to the podcast on Spotify, iTunes, Acast, Google Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.

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